lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

Already half way through November, and finding myself in a situation of termination of activities, both academic and sports, it must conduct an assessment of these aspects. Moving on from my performance in the subjects, such as marks and learning, even my emotional life and my general perception of development of my life in this year. Thus, it is important to take stock about all the activities I have done this year, so learn from the mistakes I made and virtue that is necessary to promote. On that line, I wanted to present to all readers of this blog, an evaluation of the ideas and developments throughout this year 2009, which was marked by the important learning I have had regard to the race of Sociology, This has greatly increased my knowledge.
First, I will refer to the academic field, have generally done well, because as I said, I've learned a lot and the subjects that have touched me so much in the first half and the second, have been very interesting because they are very interesting subjects, which link the problems of modern society from various angles, (such as theory) and how to intervene in that reality through computational tools to process information so as to carry out a statistical analysis of data collected.
This learning what I could bring to other areas, for example to address problems posed by the subject of Population and Society, which focuses on demographic issues and sectored requirements as the age structure of populations. There is complemented very well the theoretical sociological knowledge (in the second half continued with Theory IV) and statistical learning. But not all is numbers and variables. In the first half I had a very interesting subject, that saying concerning qualitative research. This was very important in my training, and then gave me a lot of experience on the research itself.
In sporting terms, I did so well, but I am still playing some things, the most important tournament and we lost. that's a shame because it was an important goal for this year.
Overall, I can say that the year was good, because as far as college is concerned, I've learned a lot and sociological knowledge acquired did not have before, so I advanced in my training as a professional. While the sporting theme I was not very good, which is rescued keeping me doing physical activity, which is what I like and I know that working hard, sooner or later will pay with wins and championships.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

My dear Free Time

I love my free time, especially because I do what I want. For example, I love sports, especially playing soccer. I always want to be playing. Another thing I like is to share with my friends, both at university and in my home or anywhere! It`s very nice, always drink a glass of wine or a lot of pilseners, it's fantastic! But, there are times when the university does not allow those things that demand time study or activities that you have as a student. I try to pass that I that am always good to relax a little and jump to life.
In terms of illegality, one has their vices ... one likes pulling his filthy.... although I doubt it's anything bad, I smoke my cannabis (natural only) and I stick my kicks ... Heroin also often share ... now, it should be limited because there are always worried that want to smoke pasta... and that is equal to death ... I can never afford to smoke it.
In my free time also I dedicate to my girlfriend ... it`s fun to spend my time with it ... I'm always with her ... we laugh and a good time. Often in my spare time working to earn money... work together. I have the desire to always be doing things, I like to do everything, watch movies, watch football, go to the stadium, go to a pub, go to the disco, go out into the square, waver in college, do barbecue ... one never misses the big picture ... but the body has a limit and you get tired ... I'm tired when I get home and sleep ... I love to sleep when I'm tired ... but I cannot sleep much because my back hurts ... jaja is funny but true and I wake up in the pure pain of lying, so I have to get up and do things.
When I'm alone, or we are alone with my girlfriend, I love cooking...I have very good hand she says. On holidays, when free time is all the time! I like sending me to change, wherever it is, go away from the noise and the city ... I love the beach and the countryside... I like going to rest and to reel.