miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


Hello fans.... now, I`m ready to give you a very good advice... It is about the career of Sociology and a website that I found. This website is very interesting if you want learn about the Sociology, because there are so much texts and informations about all themes of this career.
This website is http://www.facso.cl/moodle/ in this page you must sign it and create your count to can enter to the site. Then, you must register how one page user.
I found this site because I am a student of sociology at the University of Chile, and of Sociology students must know the site must.
I visit this site once a week, not only for study, too for know the news and read articles very interesting that in this page there is.
This page is very confortable and is not difficult of visit, beacuse is very friendly with the new users.
Well, now that you know about a new page of Sociology you must visit it, because can be very usefull for you.

My favourite piece of technology

Hi friends ....here is again the lucky ducky for a new adventure....
Today, I`m going to explain the favourite piece of technology of the lucky ducky. This is very fantastic.
When the lucky ducky was a little boy, his father give him a piece of technology very funny for he. This piece of technology names ATARI and when the lucky ducky was little, but very little...a baby, he played all the day with this new game that he had.
But is not all happynes on the life of the lucky ducky, beacuse one day arrive to his home a gruop of pirates, a very bads pirates and they stole the ATARI to the poor lucky ducky and he was very sad....
Finally, the lucky ducky was the winner of the lotery and he had a lot of money, however lucky ducky wasn`t a bad man and he give the ATARI to the pirates, and they become happy for the good spirit of the lucky ducky...

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

the adventures of the ducky

A very long time ago on an exotic island, a pretty small ducky was born...He became the lover of all the cats on the island, some time later he was the king of this place.
But not all was happy for this lucky ducky... one day the pirates arrived and they stole the small duck... after this... the cats never more purred....the cats were very sad after the arrival of the pirates...
However, this small ducky started to grow up as time went by and the pirates became afraid of it...
The duck became a bigger monster and he ate all the pirates... and all the people were live happy 4 eva...