viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

the adventures of the ducky

A very long time ago on an exotic island, a pretty small ducky was born...He became the lover of all the cats on the island, some time later he was the king of this place.
But not all was happy for this lucky ducky... one day the pirates arrived and they stole the small duck... after this... the cats never more purred....the cats were very sad after the arrival of the pirates...
However, this small ducky started to grow up as time went by and the pirates became afraid of it...
The duck became a bigger monster and he ate all the pirates... and all the people were live happy 4 eva...

1 comentario:

  1. Patricio,
    That’s a good story, but what about your self-introduction, likes and dislikes, and the learning objectives you want to achieve?

    The adventures of the ducky
    A very long time ago on an exotic island, a pretty small ducky was born...He became the lover of all the cats on the island.
    Some time later he was the king of this place.
    But not all was happy for this lucky ducky... One day the pirates arrived and they stole the small duck... a
    After this... the cats never more purred AGAIN , ....the cats were very sad after the arrival of the pirates...
    However, this small ducky started to grow up as time went by and the pirates became afraid of it...
    The duck became a bigger monster and he ate all the pirates... and all the people LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
