lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

Already half way through November, and finding myself in a situation of termination of activities, both academic and sports, it must conduct an assessment of these aspects. Moving on from my performance in the subjects, such as marks and learning, even my emotional life and my general perception of development of my life in this year. Thus, it is important to take stock about all the activities I have done this year, so learn from the mistakes I made and virtue that is necessary to promote. On that line, I wanted to present to all readers of this blog, an evaluation of the ideas and developments throughout this year 2009, which was marked by the important learning I have had regard to the race of Sociology, This has greatly increased my knowledge.
First, I will refer to the academic field, have generally done well, because as I said, I've learned a lot and the subjects that have touched me so much in the first half and the second, have been very interesting because they are very interesting subjects, which link the problems of modern society from various angles, (such as theory) and how to intervene in that reality through computational tools to process information so as to carry out a statistical analysis of data collected.
This learning what I could bring to other areas, for example to address problems posed by the subject of Population and Society, which focuses on demographic issues and sectored requirements as the age structure of populations. There is complemented very well the theoretical sociological knowledge (in the second half continued with Theory IV) and statistical learning. But not all is numbers and variables. In the first half I had a very interesting subject, that saying concerning qualitative research. This was very important in my training, and then gave me a lot of experience on the research itself.
In sporting terms, I did so well, but I am still playing some things, the most important tournament and we lost. that's a shame because it was an important goal for this year.
Overall, I can say that the year was good, because as far as college is concerned, I've learned a lot and sociological knowledge acquired did not have before, so I advanced in my training as a professional. While the sporting theme I was not very good, which is rescued keeping me doing physical activity, which is what I like and I know that working hard, sooner or later will pay with wins and championships.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

My dear Free Time

I love my free time, especially because I do what I want. For example, I love sports, especially playing soccer. I always want to be playing. Another thing I like is to share with my friends, both at university and in my home or anywhere! It`s very nice, always drink a glass of wine or a lot of pilseners, it's fantastic! But, there are times when the university does not allow those things that demand time study or activities that you have as a student. I try to pass that I that am always good to relax a little and jump to life.
In terms of illegality, one has their vices ... one likes pulling his filthy.... although I doubt it's anything bad, I smoke my cannabis (natural only) and I stick my kicks ... Heroin also often share ... now, it should be limited because there are always worried that want to smoke pasta... and that is equal to death ... I can never afford to smoke it.
In my free time also I dedicate to my girlfriend ... it`s fun to spend my time with it ... I'm always with her ... we laugh and a good time. Often in my spare time working to earn money... work together. I have the desire to always be doing things, I like to do everything, watch movies, watch football, go to the stadium, go to a pub, go to the disco, go out into the square, waver in college, do barbecue ... one never misses the big picture ... but the body has a limit and you get tired ... I'm tired when I get home and sleep ... I love to sleep when I'm tired ... but I cannot sleep much because my back hurts ... jaja is funny but true and I wake up in the pure pain of lying, so I have to get up and do things.
When I'm alone, or we are alone with my girlfriend, I love cooking...I have very good hand she says. On holidays, when free time is all the time! I like sending me to change, wherever it is, go away from the noise and the city ... I love the beach and the countryside... I like going to rest and to reel.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

A Good Film to see...

Football Stories is a film that focuses on three stories of this sport in different areas of life. The first story, realizes an outstanding footballer street with a very promising future. Unfortunately, it falls into the hands of the leaders by the attraction of dirty money. So, for sale and sell the team to lose, which does not happen and finally ends up being punished by the mob leaders.

The second story, about a gang of kids in the Atacama desert, who while they were outside the stadium in Calama receive a soccer ball that falls as "from above". It's a very touching story that shows human poverty and the quest for football that exists in childhood.

The third shows the arrival of a young of Santiago on the island of Chiloe, the story is framed in the World cup Spain 1982 on the day that Chile played against Germany. This young, soccer-loving age awakens instincts deserve two spinster sisters in the solitude of the island.

The third shows the arrival of a young Santiago on the island of Chiloe, the story is framed in the World Spain 1982 on the day that Chile played against Germany. This young, soccer-loving age and awakens instincts deserve two spinster sisters in the solitude of the fjords chilotes. These sisters invite you to watch the game with them, as do a curanto (typical food of Chiloé).

Unfortunately the weather conditions are not good and the television antenna began to fail. Finally, one of the sisters taught him which is really the passion of the crowds (scene where the woman says grabbing the breasts).

This film marks a before and after in sensitizing people in a special way with this sport so exciting. Personally, I like a lot, because embodied in images and in "football stories" three scopes that have the game in life itself. Rescue as a very complete football articulates the practices of people and is the independent variable to decide sometimes.

Before the “El Chacotero”, “Sex with Love” or “Subterra”, was “Historias de Fútbol” to lead the way for the new national cinema. Simple stories, but deeply human, lovable, affectionate. A trilogy of short films that begin to show Chile all day from the neighborhood to the “Pichanga” unhealthy passion to reach the World Cup. The story of the delivery guys goats perhaps a postcard of how many ordinary lives that will be reflected with nostalgia. This is the importance of Andrés Wood, the director of this film.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

The Emerging Markets...the


Emerging markets have been the place to invest in the last decade. Mainly the markets of Brazil, India and Russia. The most recent performance of emerging markets has been even better than the developed ones.

This is not only because the developed markets like the U.S. and the United Kingdom is reducing by the global recession.

Claire Simmonds, a portfolio manager of emerging markets for JPMorgan said that "The surprising thing is how resilient they were." She thinks they are "too big to ignore", which represent 80% of world population, 70% of global foreign exchange reserves and half of world exports - however, only 12% of capitalization world market. "Our view is that premium growth will remain". . "Now we can speak of an engine of national growth that did not exist 20 years ago," says Slim Feriani, a fund manager with Progressive market specialists in emerging markets in developing countries. "Consumers in emerging markets is from a low base."

Then, these referred to as the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are positioning over the decades as new economic powers, that rather than remain in the consumer base for the many people, being set up as the engine of the global economy.

For complete information of this important new, you can visit the original article of Heather Connon. For that, it`s available the link of the page:

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Santiago...a place for stay...

If you come to Santiago, you have to know the civic center of Santiago this is the Palacio de la Moneda in front of the Currency will see the building of the Administration of Santiago, go to the Plaza de Armas, you're going for the ride north of Ahumada Santiahgo where you will find the Cathedral of Santiago, Chile Courier and the Municipality of Santiago. Then you can go to be closed on St. Lucia where the serene noon mark by a shot at the top of the hill you will find the virgin. That hill in colonial times was called "sniff" Mapuche name. In front of Santa Lucia Hill is the craft fair where tourists always go. A good option for lunch is the Central Market, where you can try fresh seafood and all sorts of delicious typical Chilean dishes to a very good price. You must go to San Cristobal hill, climb up the lift to see James in the Heights. Also on that same hill is the Metropolitan Zoo in Santiago, you can go by cable car. Go to the Bohemia neighborhood called Barrio Bellavista, where is the same Cerro San Cristobal, in the same neighborhood you'll find restaurants, movie theater, lots, pubs, disco, exhibition of paintings, etc. Go to the Museum of Natural History who is the Quinta Normal, you take the subway and a taxi Come to London and Paris neighborhood, Concha y Toro The old town near Barrio Brasil find OHiggins Park where the parade is held every September 19th in the day of the Chilean Army, where he celebrates the glories of Chile. In this area you will find the University District, or the Army and Republic streets where you encontrrás with castles and palaces and in the streets causin Eighteen find the palace, a magnificent beauty and Finnish, all brought from Europe at the time of its construction Go to the Pre-Columbian Museum is in downtown Santiago, across from the Palace of the Courts, in there too. You can go to interactive museum, planetarium, observatory., Which is at the University of Santiago, etc. Santiago is a place where there is plenty to do.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

ThE CoNgReSS iN BuEnOs AiReS.....lalala

Hi fans, has spent much time since the last time I wrote.

Today I am going to talk about my last trip.

This was to Argentina, specifically to the city of Buenos Aires. There, I have an uncle who lives with my cousins. They took me in a good way and we shared a lot. It also meant a great saving for me because I did not have to pay hostel.

With respect to congress, I was to a very good conference. The topic was the social movements by students in America Latina, and it was very linked to the sociology and the approach that was given to the student mobilizations established as a starting point for the social transformation.

One of the negative points of the congress was the disorganization, which gave a very sparse.

Without doubt that the most exciting of all, tour the city and experience the beauty of Puerto Madero, in there are the best memories of Buenos Aires, and more over just the day we went was gorgeous weather.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

Balance of the first half....

In this opportunity, I`m going to tell you about my experiences in the first half of the year 2009, including my personal life, my student life and the others activities that I have done. Firstly, in the university aspects, the first semester was very interesting for my, because I learned very useful things for my labor development, for example, in subjects like statistics. In this subject puts in question on the fact of understanding the reality by means of models based on equations, defining well the epistemology categories that imply the reduction of the social relations to numbers. That was very funny to study for me, but not very easy, because the teacher is a very difficult tester.
With regard to the sport theme, the first term of this year was very fruitful, so I`m a football player, and I play in two teams. One of they names Baltilokos, and we won all our matches. The other team names Ciencias Sociales and it`s the team of the faculty. And with this team we have very good results too.
In relation to my family, the things have walked well and we have not had big problems, for example of health. Now then, I concern of the economic crisis, the situation has been difficult and for this side we have not walked so well. But the most important thing is that we are united and with a good health. The combination of all these elements they do that it is a good semester in general terms.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009


Hi, today I`m going to talk to you about mi dream job.
This idea of my ideal job come since I was a boy...around three or fours years old...
Yes, I wanted to be a Superstar of the football, beacuse when I was a boy I played football everytime and everywhere! in the school, in my home, in the street. I saw a ball and I used play football.

Those days I had great tactical skills and techniques, which allowed me to dream of becoming a footballer.Some years later, I had a great opportunity, which was to play a World Cup when I was a college student, so I developed great physical skills, too. So I undertook a part of that dream I was playing ball, then went to Denmark and there was the 2005 World School, where he got 15 instead of 32 teams, which was not very good but not was a disaster ... jajaja
That was a great experience for me and I can do one part of my dream and now I remember this as a beautiful thing.

I believe that over time I've been good at this and could have worked on it very well because of the characteristics I have. In that sense, I think I need to be very responsible, very persistent, very serious and very constant work, especially if one wants to achieve (championships, titles, cups) sees it as a dream and work for that. I think I'm good at working in this that involve goals.
For this reasons are very difficult to be a professional footballer, beacuse implies a risk, you don`t have time for study in the university and if you decide this way you must to be sure, but is not easy and more than an entertaining game but involves much hard work and sacrifice.

Thank you for read it!!!


The conference by Mr Ken Robinson is very striking because it discussed the issue of creativity. First said it was an extremely important characteristic of human beings. After referring to the places and spaces for creative expression by children, because that very few and almost non-existent.cThirdly provides a very strong link between creativity and education. This is the backbone of its entire conference.
Ken Robinson offers a critical look at the adult world, saying that people only cares about money, which hides the extraordinary capacity to create children. In the educational system there are radical differences in what is more or less important. Such as mathematics and language are essential, but what about the music and the arts? These are in the bottom, he said. What happen with the dance? the children dance all the time! but this is not importan for the job.
The educational system provide so much universitary teachers that only living in the head. They are disembodied, the body is the transport of their heads!
The Educational system is focused on academic ability, this is why the system is done in two hierarchical ideas. Firstly, because the classes most commonly used are also the most used at work. Parents also have responsibility for this as it does not stop making music for their children because the future will not be musicians, not the left make art, because artists will not be either ... Secondly, the educational system to change ends for people with creative abilities, the machine turns into ... These are the most relevant topics of the exhibition of Sir Kem Robinson, which to reflect on the educational system and space for creativity that has gone away with time

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

The Best in My field: Pierre Bourdieu

He was one of the most important sociologists of the second half of the twentieth century.
His ideas are very important both in social theory and in empirical sociology, especially in the sociology of culture, education and lifestyles.

His theory has become an attempt to overcome the duality between traditional sociology and social structures objectivism ( "physicality") on the one hand, compared to social action and subjectivity (hermeneutics), on the other side.

This adds two new concepts, the habitus and field, and reinvents an already established, the capital.

The biography of Bourdieu is very important, because he was a farmer and was faithful to its roots as it is not mixed with the intellectuals of the time, they had many privileges.


During the career of Sociology, in these three years I have gone through many subjects, some of which have been very important and entertaining and others rather boring and not very motivating.
Since the second half I had a subjet that in the beginning it seemed very difficult, this subjet was Statistics, and this career has Statistics I, Statistics II, Statistitcs III and Statistics IV. In this moment, I`m in the last Statistics, the Statistics IV and It is not only numbers and calculations, now we are reflections about the measured the real with numbers and validity of this for the sociological investigation.
These themes are very interesting for me; for that reason Statistics is my favourite subjet.
Another positive rhing of this subjet are the bigs posibilites of development in the laboral area, because there is a lot of investigation that used the statistics as a tool of action to the generation of the data bases and the data tables interpretation. This is very useful for the sociological research.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Hi everybody!!!

In this oportunity, I`m going to talk you about the plans that I have for my future. I talk about issues like this and go through my personal expectations, my work and academic goals.
In five years from now, I would like to be working in the sociological area, mainly to gain experience and save money; so as to be able go study a postgrade in Chile or out of Chile. For this reason is very important for me lo learn English.
As my plans are mainly to save, I will probably be living with my parents; and that situation means no problem for me because I have a very good relationship with them. And they don`t want me to leave the house never. At least that is what I believe! jejeje
In ten years from now I expect to be emotional stable and consolidated economicaly.
I hope to have a smooth and quiet life, where I can do what I want without hindrance. Mainly to fulfill my desires and my family. That`s the life that I hope.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Hi everybody!!!
I`m very funny of see you again.
This time, the topic of my publication in this blog is about my study of sociology. I am ging to talk you why I decided studied this and wichs are my plans for the future when either sociologist.
In first place, I decided study this carrer beacuse every times I am interested about the social themes, the popular street and the poor as a challenge. When I was a boy I wanted change this world, but first I should know this!
In first, this is the contribution that I want do to the society, I want that we lives in a better world than yesterday. But this idea is utopic, the main purpose of mi future work is the local development, I want do my purpose with a little input, for example, achieving improvements in the educational system and the work.
For that, the Sociology, give me the tools of how I can have a Knowdlege about my Society and as I can speak on it, for example from content analysis in the cualitative metodology or multivariate analysis in the cuantitative metodology.
In this line, my fauvorite subjets are The Cualitative methodologies of investigation and the subjet about Stadistics III and Stadistics IV. This subjets are the most importants to me for the tools that they give me.

"The Penguin Revolution"

Hello Friends

Again we find ourselves. Today, I will present a wonderful story about my new picture.
This time, it is the "Penguin Revolution".

In 2006 I was studying at the National Institute and the political environment was much dissatisfaction with public policies in education. That year, our vision (how the students in public schools) was that the government saw education as a business, not a right of all people.
This situation caused many problems for the government because they were carried out daily protests in the heart of the capital city of discontent and demonstrations of the academic community.

The students organized themselves and formed a powerful lobby for the minister and the president, so they had to listen.

Over time the changes were just a little bit of everything that we thought to obtain, which shows that there is still much to fight.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


Hello fans.... now, I`m ready to give you a very good advice... It is about the career of Sociology and a website that I found. This website is very interesting if you want learn about the Sociology, because there are so much texts and informations about all themes of this career.
This website is in this page you must sign it and create your count to can enter to the site. Then, you must register how one page user.
I found this site because I am a student of sociology at the University of Chile, and of Sociology students must know the site must.
I visit this site once a week, not only for study, too for know the news and read articles very interesting that in this page there is.
This page is very confortable and is not difficult of visit, beacuse is very friendly with the new users.
Well, now that you know about a new page of Sociology you must visit it, because can be very usefull for you.

My favourite piece of technology

Hi friends is again the lucky ducky for a new adventure....
Today, I`m going to explain the favourite piece of technology of the lucky ducky. This is very fantastic.
When the lucky ducky was a little boy, his father give him a piece of technology very funny for he. This piece of technology names ATARI and when the lucky ducky was little, but very little...a baby, he played all the day with this new game that he had.
But is not all happynes on the life of the lucky ducky, beacuse one day arrive to his home a gruop of pirates, a very bads pirates and they stole the ATARI to the poor lucky ducky and he was very sad....
Finally, the lucky ducky was the winner of the lotery and he had a lot of money, however lucky ducky wasn`t a bad man and he give the ATARI to the pirates, and they become happy for the good spirit of the lucky ducky...

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

the adventures of the ducky

A very long time ago on an exotic island, a pretty small ducky was born...He became the lover of all the cats on the island, some time later he was the king of this place.
But not all was happy for this lucky ducky... one day the pirates arrived and they stole the small duck... after this... the cats never more purred....the cats were very sad after the arrival of the pirates...
However, this small ducky started to grow up as time went by and the pirates became afraid of it...
The duck became a bigger monster and he ate all the pirates... and all the people were live happy 4 eva...